Thursday, February 18, 2010



I bought three bunches of collard greens to make stuffed collard greens. However the inner leaves looked too small to roll. Then I decided to use those younger leaves for another recipe. I tried this recipe with a whole bunch of collard greens before but this one tastes totally different and delicious.

Serves 2.

  • young leaves of 3 bunch of collard greens
  • 1/3 lb of ground beef
  • 2 tbsp of vegetable oil
  • 1/2 of large onion ( chopped )
  • 4 garlic cloves ( chopped )
  • 1/2 tbsp of red pepper paste
  • a pinch of black pepper
  • salt
Strip leaves from stems. Wash them several times to remove grit. Drain and chop them. 
Meanwhile, cook beef with 2 tbsp of oil over medium heat. Add chopped onion and garlic to the pot and stir. Cover lid and let them cook for 5 minutes. Add pepper paste and black pepper to the pot and turn the heat down to low. Add chopped collard greens to the pot and stir. Cover the lid and simmer for 10 minutes. Turn the heat off and add salt.

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