- 1/2 stick of butter ( melted )
- 1 egg+1 egg white
- 1 cup of milk
- 5 tbsp of sugar
- 1 tbsp of salt
- 1tbsp of yeast
- 4 cups of all purpose of flour
- 1/2 cup of black olive paste
- 1 egg yolk
Mix all of the dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Add milk, melted butter and eggs. Knead them all together with your hands until becoming dough. The dough should be soft. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let it rest until the dough rises to double its size. It takes one to two hours. ( If you have bread maker, you can use it for this step. ) Take the bowl and knead the dough again until it is bubble free.
Divide the dough into two equal parts. Roll the first half to make in 22" 11" rectangular. Spread the olive paste to the half of the rectangular.

Fold the dough.

First divide into two by cutting lengthwise and than make 1 inch stripes.

Twist the stripes around and give them swirl shape.

Repeat this steps for the second half of the dough. Put a parchment paper on a cookie sheet and place all of the acmas to the sheet. Let it rises for about 30 minutes and brush them gently with egg yolk. Preheat the oven to 350F and bake it for 45 minutes or acmas are just golden brown.

Note:You can either buy black olive paste from a Mediterranean store or you can make it by yourself if you have some black olives.
cok guzel gorunuyor ellerınize saglık yapım asaması cok hos. sevgıler..
iffetcim cok guzel gorunuyorlar.Biz burda yemeye bulamiyoruz zeytini sen oda poacalara koyuyorsun fazlaysa biraz da bana gonder.:)
baska ne konulabilir icine?kiymalisida boyle guzel gorunur mu?
Canim ya:) oyle cok fazla olmasina gerek yok, cok az bir miktarla bir suru yapabilirsin.
Kiymalisi da harika olur eminim. Alternatif olarak, hashas cok guzel olur veya beyaz peynir,tahin, ceviz ilk aklima gelenler...
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