- 1 stick butter ( melted )
- 1/4 cup of vegetable oil
- 1 tsp of vinegar
- 2 tbsp of plain yogurt
- 1/2 tsp of salt
- 1/3 tsp of baking soda
- 1 tsp of ground mahaleb
- all purpose flour
- 1 cup of sesame seeds
- 5 tbsp of molasses
- 1 tbsp of water
Stop adding flour when you reach soft consistency.
Preheat the oven 350F. Place a parchment paper on a baking sheet.
Take small parts ( about the size of walnut ) from the dough and give them the shape of ring (about 2 inch diameter).
Take the molasses and and 1tbsp of water in a large bowl and whisk it. Take the sesame seeds another large bowl.
Dip the rings first into molasses and then dip them into sesame seeds.
Place the rings on the baking sheet.
Bake them until the rings are just golden brown.

What a gorgeous speciality! these pastries look fantastic!
ben bayılırım bu kandil simitlerine,çok da güzel olmuşlar ellerine sağlık
Ne guzel gorunuyor kandil simitlerin, Turkiye'deki kandiller aklima geldi. Ellerine saglik
Iffet, molases dedigin pekmez mi yoksa nar eksisi mi? Kandil simitleri tuzlu olduguna gore nar eksisi diye tahmin ediyorum. Ben bunlari daha once denedigimi sanmiyorum. Cok guzel gorunuyorlar.
Blog'umu neden ekleyemedigini bilemiyorum. Daha once boyle bir sorunla karsilasmadim. Umarim bi dahaki denemede basarili olur.
Benim bu tarifte kullandigim molasses aslinda uzum pekmezi de degil nar eksisi de. Sanirim Amerika da her markette bulunabilecek seker pekmezi.
Uzum pekmezi de kullanilabilir tabi ki.
Kandil simidine o hafif gevrekligi veren ve yerken agzinda kalan bellirli-belirsiz seker tadini veren bu pekmez.
Bu arada birkac kere daha denedim ama blogunu listeye eklesem de acilamiyor:(
ha, I am going to try out my thought, your post get me some good ideas, it's really amazing, thanks.
- Norman
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